Emma Juliette Sherland


Collision (Right), 2020 Emma Juliette Sherland

Collision Series explores my experience with suicidal ideation - how disconnected I have felt about my physical existence. This has also included how avoiding this feeling has turned my reality into a dream-like-fantasy as a way to passively cope while moving throughout life. Overtime, I have chosen to enhance this idea, and make it a physical memory to reminisce as if it were a dream I was struggling to remember. The physical collision of nature and architecture in this series represents my ongoing battle with trying to recall family trips in adulthood after episodes of panic attacks. Here the visible mistakes from the film developing and digital editing processes are carried into the physical print creating haziness and feeling of nostalgia. This series challenges viewers in how they should interact with the photograph “by way of seeing it.” In addition to this, also asking them to” move around in all directions to discover every detail — if it were up close or far away. 

Emma Juliette Sherland is an emerging bi-racial artist based in Mississauga, Ontario. Her work is focused on processing her own negative experiences with violence and mental health issues through art-making, specifically on photographic and printmaking processes. She graduated in 2020 from Art and Art History, a joint program between the University of Toronto Mississauga and Sheridan College. Since then, she has founded The Take Action Gallery, an online gallery for current students of the Art and Art History program and has established a presence with the community.

Contact the artist directly for information on purchasing.

Contact: julietheartistsart@gmail.com
Website: https://linktr.ee/juliettetheartist  
IG: @juliettetheartist

May 6th to May 28th, 2023
Artscape Youngplace, 180 Shaw St, Toronto
Hallway Galleries, 2nd and 3rd floors

Artist Talk and Tour
Saturday, May 13th, 2023
11am & 1pm